Vegan parsnip soup with miso

December 10th 2019
Search Term: United States
Prefered recipe type: Vegetarian

2.2 lb parsnips

2 tbsp olive oil

Trader Joes Everyday Seasoning ( or your own fav!)

salt and peper to taste

2 large shallots or 1 medium onion,chopped

3 large garlic cloves chopped

4 cups veggie stock

Optional - Idahoan instant mashed potatoes



Preheat the oven to 400° F

Top, tail and peel your parsnips. 

Chop parsnips into equal size chunks. Add them, onion and garlic to a large zip lock baggie with about 1 -2  tbsp of oil to coat.

Pour onto non stick cookie sheet, season with Trader Joes Everyday Seasoning.  Bakie for 15 min, stir and bake an additional 15 min until fully cooked and lightly caramelised.

Put veggie stock to a large pot, add cooked parsnips and bring to a simmer..  Cook untill the parsnips are tender. 

Remove from heat and blend with immersion blender until smooth and creamy.  

If the soup is too thick, add a bit more stock or water to get the soup to a consistency you like.  If it is too thin sprinkle in some Idahoan instant mashed potatoes while blending.

Salt and pepper to taste. 

Serve topped with a topping of your choice. See below.

Nutritional Information:

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