Briami Greek Roasted Vegetables

September 8th 2021
Search Term: Greece
Prefered recipe type: Vegetarian

 2 medium potatoes

1 cup chopped tomatoes or sliced or cherry tomatoes

1-2 medium eggplants

2-3 medium zucchini

1 onions

1 bell pepper

3 cloves garlic chopped

2 tablespoons tomato paste

1/2 cup + 2 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil

Warm water

2 tablespoons dry mint

2 tablespoons oregano

1/4 cup parsley



Preheat oven at 350 F (180 C)

Cut potatoes and eggplant in about 2 inch pieces, the zucchini in 1/2 inch slices. The onion in quarters and if using peppers in slices.

Pour all the vegetables in a large bowl. Add garlic, mint, parsley, oregano. Mix.

Mix the tomato paste with a bit of water (1 tablespoon) and add to the vegetables.

Add about the olive oil and mix well. We usually do it with our hands.

Add salt to taste and pepper, and mix some more (I add very little salt and add more if needed when serving).

Transfer the vegetables to a large shallow pan, it should be able to fit all the vegetables in one layer.

Pour in a corner of the pan about 1/3 cup water and tilt the pan so that it spreads, but don’t pour it over the vegetables.Pour more later if it seems like they are becoming dry.

Cover with aluminum foil and roast for about an hour.

After an hour check and see if the vegetables are cooked (you should be able to stick a fork in them easily).

If they are cooked, remove the foil and roast for another 30-45 minutes until the potatoes start turning golden brown.

Let it cool and serve with bread and feta cheese. You can also serve cold.


* Aim to have about 4 lbs vegetables, you may prefer more zucchini and less eggplant for example.

Nutritional Information:

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