Thai Grilled Eggplant with Green Chilis

September 11th 2021
Search Term: Thailand
Prefered recipe type:

4 medium Japanese eggplants

1 Tbsp sliced shallots or red onion 

3-4 Tbsp lime juice 

dash sugar to taste

3-4 mild green chilid pepeters 

1/4 lb Shrimp and 1/4 lb ground pork. or substitue  Tempeh

1 tsp chili powder

3-4 Tbsp fish sauce ( or mix with oyster sauce

3-5 chopped green onion  and or cilantro

for garnish - mint leaves, thinly sliced red pepper, tomato and shreadded carrots 

for serving - bed of fresh lettuce 



Roast / broil or grill eggplants and chili peppers. Peal and cut inot bite sized pieces. Arrange on plate on top of lettuce 

In sauce pan cook ground pork in small meatballs, shrimps and add fish sauce, lime juice and chili powder

Add to top of plate

Sprinkle shallots, green onion cilatro and the rest of garnish ingredients 

Note if substituting Tempeh marinade it in the fish sauce, lime juice and chili powder prior to cooking. 


Recipe by Piangjia Eed Cefkin Authentic Thai Cooking class.  The one linked is close but not the same


Nutritional Information:

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