Purple Yam Patties Ratalu Pattice

May 15th 2022
Search Term: India
Prefered recipe type:

Purple Yam

1 ½ cup Ratalu or Purple Yam, mashed approximately 2 cups chopped

Salt to taste

2 tbsp cornstarch + rolling

oil for shallow frying


½ cup fresh green peas

1/3 cup fresh shredded coconut

2 tbsp peanuts

Few raisins or sultanas

1 tsp sesame seeds

Salt to taste

½ tsp sugar

1 tsp garam masala

1 tbsp lemon juice

1-2 green chilies

1 inch piece ginger

2 tbsp cilantro chopped


Purple Yam

Boil or steam the purple yam until it is soft and can be mashed. Once it cools down, mash them and add salt, corn starch 1 tbsp at a time. Leave it aside.


While its cooling, make the filling. In a food processor- add chopped green chilies, ginger, shelled green peas, shredded coconut, nuts, raisins, salt sugar, lemon juice, garam masala, cilantro. Give it a pulse to break down the peas and everything is mixed well. Don’t over pulse it. Just blitz enough, to bring it together.


Divide the purple yam mix into equal rounds or balls. Take the purple yam mix, flatten it out with the help of your palms into a disc or create a little well in the middle. Add the filling and seal the patty into circle or flattened out disc shape again.

Make sure the filling is sealed or else it will come out while frying and spoil the oil. Roll the patties into corn starch just lightly to coat it.

Deep fry them or shallow fry them until they are crispy on all sides.

Remove them on absorbent paper towel and serve them warm with tamarind or cilantro chutney, ketchup or seasoned yogurt.


Make sure the ratalu or purple yam has less moisture, it is helpful to bind them into patties. If its too sticky, then you will need to add little more cornstarch.

If you use fresh ratalu then make sure to either wear gloves or apply some oil as it gives itchiness later if you touch it with your naked hands.

Once you remove the skin and chop up ratalu please store it in water to prevent it from turning dark.

Nutritional Information:

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